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Meeting Scholarship Deadlines How students can keep track of scholarship opportunities and deadlines efficiently  Pro Scholarship Wins Tracker . . . This resourceful tool helps you manage and monitor your scholarship applications, ensuring you never miss an opportunity and stay organized


  • How to Find, Keep Track Of, and Grow Your List of Scholarships to Apply For
  • Examples of the Scholarship Tracker in Action Recording . . .
  • Scholarship Organization Name
  • Scholarship Name
  • Scholarship Due Date
  • Application Phase
  • Notification Dates
  • Applicant Pool Size Estimates
  • Success Rates
  • Total Funding Won
  • Scholarship Disbursement Dates
  • Renewal Criteria


Note: This is not a scholarship list. This is a tool used to track scholarships over time as you grow your list


All products are included in the Scholarship Success Membership

Pro Scholarship Wins Tracker

  • License Type: Single User License

    Permitted Uses: The licensee may customize and adapt the features of the product to suit their specific needs

    Restrictions: The licensee may not share, distribute, or resell the product or any derivative works based on the product

    Limitation of Liability: Avatar Education shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of or inability to use the product, including but not limited to data loss or any other direct or indirect consequences

    Governing Law: This license agreement is governed by the laws of Texas. Any disputes arising from this license agreement shall be resolved in the courts of Texas

In the spirit of "walking the talk," here's my track record:

1. Diploma 4.0.png
2. Sept 19 2k.png
3. Sept 14 2k.png
4. Aug 31 11k.png
5. Aug 21 8k.png
6. Aug 15 Outside.PNG
7. MavPitch Congrats.PNG
8. Phi Kappa Phi.PNG
11. May 16 1k.png
12. Ray Ayers.PNG
13. DFWIMA Luncheon.PNG
14. DFWIMA UTA.jpg
15. DFWIMA UTA Convocation.PNG
16. Dec 23 5k.png
17. Phi Kappa Phi.jpg
18. Bunnel.jpg
19. Bunnel UTA Convocation.PNG

I began my college career at TCU and chose to transfer to UTA after COVID hit

20. EOGSEA 3rd.png
22. EOGSEA 500.jpg
21. Smilor 3k.png
23. Shaddock $1.5.PNG
24. Shaddock Seed fund.jpg
25. TCU Spring.png
26. TCU Fall.png
27. TCU 4.0.jpg
28. Ford Driving Dreams.jpg
29. Rotary.jpg
30. TCU Room and Board.png
31. Founders 40k.png
32. AFROTC.jpg
33. Cornyn.png
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